Building Better Social Media

Building better social media using blockchains and decentralized, non-cutodial platforms like IPFS or Ethereum has been tried in the past.

There is clearly some value in developing social media on a platform like Flow, as peepeth does a great job of illuminating on their about page:

Social media is broken.

Advertising-driven social networks are taking a toll on our wellbeing. They:

  • Invade our privacy and sell our data
  • Have control and custody of our online identities
  • Are filled with trolling, harassment, and flame wars
  • Manipulate our feeds to increase engagement at almost any cost

But decentralized, community governed platforms come with their own risks and difficulties, which become apparent when you consider worthy experiments like TruStory:

Even with “skin in the game” (systems where you pay to post, or the like) these platforms can still become dumpster-fires of toxic content that in hundsight would have benefitted from some centralized controls.

With these things in mind, what do you all think are the basic primitives that must be in place to bring to life better social media that doesn’t suffer from the endemic issues that plague Twitter, Facebook et. al.

Things to consider:

  • Sybill attacks
  • Content moderation
  • Data permanence
  • Interoperability
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Additionally, train a bot to answer when you’re asleep. Open AI GPT-3 could be trained to be indistinguishable from your real self:

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