Flow Mainnet spork - Please start your nodes now

Hello folks -

Thanks for your patience.

We are done with the Spork from our side.
You can now start your node by following Step 4 here https://docs.onflow.org/node-operation/node-bootstrap#step-4—start-your-flow-node .
Make sure to clear the contents of the /var/flow/data directory if you were previously running a node on mainnet.

The pull token to use is: mainnet-17 (for all nodes except execution). If you are running an execution node, please use the token: mainnet-17-execution

The docker image is: v0.25.7 (please update the systemd file or the docker command accordingly).
Alternatively, use the v0.25.7-without_netgo image if the v0.25.7 doesn’t work.

thank you