FUSD Stablecoin Available on Flow Testnet

Hi developers!

As we all know, fiat-friendly payments are a real challenge for anybody building user-facing blockchain applications.

On that note, we’re excited to publish developer documentation for the first stablecoin on Flow. FUSD is a 1:1 USD-backed coin that implements the native fungible token interface you already know and love.

FUSD is issued by Prime Trust and made available through Blocto Swap. It’ll be on Mainnet in the coming weeks, but you can start building with mock FUSD on Testnet today!

Check out the Flow docs site for more details: FUSD Stablecoin on Flow Testnet - Flow Documentation


So cool ! :star_struck:

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Hi @pete ,

that sounds cool and is kind of what we need. What is the plan for acquiring FUSD in the future? Will users be able to directly buy FUSD tokens in the wallets like Blocto (this is what is offered by FCL)? I think it would be very inconvenient if users would have to buy tokens on one page (lets say coinbase), transfer them to a wallet like Blocto just to use the coins on our marketplace…

Thank you very much!