How to create an account after running the localnet?

I was able to get the localnet running in the same way as this thread, and from the same thread I also spotted the service account private key. However, the key seems to be slightly different from what’s used in the Flow Go SDK examples, and they aren’t interchangeable. How do you use the given key in the Go SDK?

yeah it is using SHA2 instead of SHA3. But you should be able to use with Go SDK

@bluesign could you go into more detail on how I can do that? The private key string from execution_state.go is 72 characters long, while the ones from the Go SDK and made by the Flow CLI are 64 characters long. I cannot use the key from execution_state.go in the Flow Emulator either, as both
flow emulator --service-priv-key e3a08ae3d0461cfed6d6f49bfc25fa899351c39d1bd21fdba8c87595b6c49bb4cc430201 --service-sig-algo=ECDSA_P256 --service-hash-algo=SHA3_256
flow emulator --service-priv-key e3a08ae3d0461cfed6d6f49bfc25fa899351c39d1bd21fdba8c87595b6c49bb4cc430201 --service-sig-algo=ECDSA_P256 --service-hash-algo=SHA2_256
say input has incorrect ECDSA_P256 key size.

hey, it is encoded version raw key is : 8ae3d0461cfed6d6f49bfc25fa899351c39d1bd21fdba8c87595b6c49bb4cc43 should be SHA2 though.

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