Is NBA TopShot contract going to be open sourced?

I would like to build something which has some composability against NBA TopShot. It would be great if I can look into the smart contract code so that I can figure out what I can build on top of it.

Hi @makoto, yes we have received many similar requests on potentially building experiences/services on top of NBA Top Shot. That is the beauty of crypto based applications, where composability from other teams can enhance the experience for end users and possibly increase the value of the assets users hold.

We havenโ€™t set a specific date yet, but we are planning to open source the NBA Top Shot smart contracts soon. at least the parts related to NFT minting and management. OWB participants will be the first ones to have a quick preview when the time comes. Stay tuned, we will keep you all updated :slight_smile:


Looking forward to for these contracts to be opensourced.

In the mean time, can you let us know if the following information is on chain so that I can write a smartcontract logic which depends on the data.

  • Card metadata such as player name, type of the shot, etc
  • Sales price of the pack.
  • Total packs available/purchased

@makoto The metadata you mention is on chain, meaning the text-based metadata, but the images and videos will not be on chain.
Sale price of packs will not be on chain, but the sale price of individual moments in the P2P marketplace is on chain.
Total packs available and purchased will also not be on chain.

Thanks for the reply. Curious about the decision behind not putting initial sales price on chain. The secondary P2P price on marketplace is easily manipulatable and I was planning on relying on the initial sale price for one of my product ideas Mint Stable-ish fungible token from NFTs

The sale price is something that is determined off-chain in denominations of USD/ETH, and because those currencies do not have equivalent constructs on chain, they cannot be represented as anything but a simple metadata field. Even that is hard to determine though, because each pack has multiple moments in it, and there is no rule about how the price is calculated from each individual moment.

Iโ€™ll continue this convo in your projectโ€™s post

Doesnโ€™t p2p marketplace have the same issue?

Thatโ€™s fair. Then each pack should have sales price instead of moment.

@flowjosh when you opensource smart contract, can we have access to the data dump of transactions or events so that we can use as a mock data when we build something on top of NBA TopShot.

I think we will be able to get you that @makoto, but I need to check with the team

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