Mainnet 16 access node broken

Hi Flow team! We’ve been having some issues with Flow mainnet sporks and hope you could provide more information here.

Our team has been implementing a service to read the Flow blockchain transactions and mirror certain events into our local database. For backfilling the transactions that our service had already conducted on the Flow blockchain, we have attempted to use the Flow Go SDK client ( to read blockchain events from each past spork (with the access nodes and block heights as obtained from, and mostly the process has been smooth.

However, running the Flow Go SDK client on Mainnet 16 ( presents the error:
panic: client: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to find: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to retrieve result from execution node: 1 error occurred:
* rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = “transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused”

By using ping, we find that the IP of Mainnet 16 is, which shows that the connection to the network location is not an issue. The IP of the access node is also distinct from indicated in the error, further evidence that the error occurs in some internal setup/config issue of the Mainnet 16 access node.

i would appreciate any assistance.