Staking Rewards and Governance FLIPs

Hello Node Operators and Flow Community,

As node operators are a critical part of the Flow ecosystem it is important that staking continues to be a sustainable endeavor for all of you. With that in mind, a governance proposal was submitted by the Flow Foundation keep rewards at 5%.

The FLIP is available in the Flow FLIPs Repository and we encourage those interested to discuss its details on the associated forum post. We encourage all node operators and users to read the proposal and comment on the forum. There will be a public discussion at office hours on Thursday, June 30th.

The reward rate will not change until a governance FLIP detailing a change is passed. A governance FLIP is a new category of FLIPs that will establish a governance process for changing network parameters such as staking minimums, rewards rates and more.

Governance FLIPs are an extension of the existing FLIP process, which provide transparency to the decision making process, a consistent place and method of gathering community feedback, and documentation for the history of the Flow protocol and its governance changes. This new FLIP process is a work in progress and a complete proposal will be shared in the coming weeks.

Thank you.