TypeError: Cannot read property 'padStart' of null

@jhaankit I was running into this issue as well, was able to resolve.

I believe in my case, the root cause of this issue was incorrectly setting the Authorization function when calling fcl.payer, fcl.proposer, fcl.authorizations. I was initially rolling my own Authorization function modeling off of this post and the Kitty-Items implementation shown in authorizeMinter() here.

I’ve since made the following update to my transaction code:

  const txId = await fcl
      fcl.payer(sdk.authorization(process.env.FLOW_SMART_CONTRACT_PROFILE, signingFunction, 0)),
      fcl.proposer(sdk.authorization(process.env.FLOW_SMART_CONTRACT_PROFILE, signingFunction, 0)),
      fcl.authorizations([sdk.authorization(process.env.FLOW_SMART_CONTRACT_PROFILE, signingFunction, 0)]),

I’m using fcl for scaffolding the transaction, then just using the sdk for its authorization method.

My signingFunction is implemented following the post I linked above.