Cannot check account freeze status error


I’m trying to follow along with rrrken’s topshot sales article below but have gotten stuck.

Have updated main.go section to use v3 contract

blockEvents, err := flowClient.GetEventsForHeightRange(context.Background(), client.EventRangeQuery{

    Type:        "A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.TopShotMarketV3.MomentPurchased",

    StartHeight: latestBlock.Height - 249,

    EndHeight:   latestBlock.Height,


and below in sales_moment.go to use v3 contract

let collectionRef = acct.getCapability(/public/topshotSalev3Collection)!.borrow<&{Market.SalePublic}>() ?? panic(“Could not borrow capability from public collection”)

However when i run the program, i get the following error and unsure how to fix.

panic: error fetching sale moment from flow: client: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = failed to execute the script on the execution node rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = failed to execute script: failed to execute script at block (df06f5ca2f6a5762dfc13d07f167013773f03c756fd2a615734358e11b7015f6): [Error Code: 1101] cadence runtime error Execution failed:
error: get program failed: cannot check account freeze status: failed to read key #66726f7a656e on account 0b2a3299cc857e29: [Failure Code: 2002] ledger returns unsuccessful: get register failed: error getting register (frozen) value at 5555be2f0858c770006b0009b635b5889030d73edcd50615310b7cab17238c18: trie with the given rootHash 5555be2f0858c770006b0009b635b5889030d73edcd50615310b7cab17238c18 not found
→ 0b2a3299cc857e29.TopShot