FlowIDTableStaking Smart Contract Breaking Change

We want to let you know that there will be a breaking change to the FlowIDTableStaking smart contract that will impact all development teams who query certain information from the staking contract. This is an important upgrade.

This change will go into effect on the following dates:

  • CanaryNet: Wednesday, May 12th
  • Testnet: Wednesday, May 19th
  • Mainnet: Wednesday, May 26th

Why This Change Happened

  • Refactoring certain functions to eliminate excessive gas usage
  • Preparing the contract for new protocol contracts like FlowEpoch and StakingCollection
  • Making the contract more efficient
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Consolidating node and delegator metadata into a single struct to make querying staking information more straightforward.

Action Required

Please go to the upgrade PR to find all key information regarding this breaking change.

If you have any questions regarding this breaking change, please ask our team on Discord in the #staking channel for further assistance.