Just running examples fails unknown service flow.access.AccessAPI panic: client: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service flow.access.AccessAPI

I tried that with latest master cb895beae5d6cf868be7f08fc6ee594289f68bed and follow the examples README.md in /examples. Running go version go1.15.4 darwin/amd64. I get the following output:

go run ./create_account/main.go
err: client: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service flow.access.AccessAPI
panic: client: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service flow.access.AccessAPI

goroutine 1 [running]:
github.com/onflow/flow-go-sdk/examples.Handle(0x191e1c0, 0xc0001bbe10)
	/Users/nuqu/Desktop/flow-go-sdk/examples/examples.go:170 +0xe9
github.com/onflow/flow-go-sdk/examples.ServiceAccount(0xc0001ccca0, 0x0, 0xc0001b9d18, 0x1, 0x1)
	/Users/nuqu/Desktop/flow-go-sdk/examples/examples.go:93 +0x12f
	/Users/nuqu/Desktop/flow-go-sdk/examples/create_account/main.go:43 +0xdb
	/Users/nuqu/Desktop/flow-go-sdk/examples/create_account/main.go:35 +0x25
exit status 2
make: *** [create-account] Error 1

Any hint would be great!

Can you try with latest release, not master?
Is version v.10.0 I think

jpzk@localhost examples % git checkout v0.10.0
HEAD is now at dc7cb30 update onflow/flow/protobuf/go/flow to v0.1.5
jpzk@localhost examples % go clean 
jpzk@localhost  examples % make create-account
go run ./create_account/main.go
err: client: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service flow.access.AccessAPI
panic: client: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service flow.access.AccessAPI

goroutine 1 [running]:
github.com/onflow/flow-go-sdk/examples.Handle(0x1843040, 0xc000315140)
	/Users/jpzk/Desktop/flow-go-sdk/examples/examples.go:182 +0xe9
github.com/onflow/flow-go-sdk/examples.ServiceAccount(0xc000150600, 0x0, 0xc000133d20, 0x1, 0x1)
	/Users/jpzk/Desktop/flow-go-sdk/examples/examples.go:99 +0x12f
	/Users/jpzk/Desktop/flow-go-sdk/examples/create_account/main.go:43 +0xdb
	/Users/jpzk/Desktop/flow-go-sdk/examples/create_account/main.go:35 +0x25
exit status 2
make: *** [create-account] Error 1
jpzk@localhost examples %

In other words, I tried it, but same here :neutral_face:

Have you installed the emulator?

Here is a getting started blog post, using an older version of the SDK, but hopefully still helpful to get you started: https://www.onflow.org/post/intro-to-flow-with-go-sdk

I hope you find the solution.The latest emulator might not work. Using version v 0.10 works.
sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL https://storage.googleapis.com/flow-cli/install.sh)" -- v0.10.0